Smarter Agility

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Courses that meet the search criteria (1162)

Jumping Competition
Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1 www.smarteragility.comLAE - Grade 3-5 JumpingPath length (m):187.85461234567891011121314151617(17.1, 27)(13.1, 24.9)(30.4, 14.7)(30.1, 18.6)(7.5, 3.2)(13.1, 1.8)(27, 26.7)(22.6, 12.5)(21.6, 21.2)(4.1, 18.4)(28.7, 7.1)(21.5, 2.3)(2.6, 9.8)(5.8, 26.2)(13.9, 16.5)(15.5, 8.4)(7.9, 11.5)(9.7, 18.3)
Daisy Hall
105x105 ft
18 Jul 2023
Jumping Exercise
Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1© Vendula Hausnerova 🇸🇰Training course by Vendula Nr.133669912121515181821212424272733669912121515FYIRed obstacle is a voluntary trap, use it or not. Depends on how much you want to challenge yourself :)Long jump is used twice, jumped from both sides., 14.3)(12, 14.6)(16.7, 4.2)(19.6, 4.1)(9.2, 3.4)(3.7, 7.8)(18.3, 11.5)(25, 8.6)(14.1, 8.2)(26.4, 2.3)(20.8, 6.4)(10.6, 10.8)(25.1, 10.8)(16.4, 14.2)(23.4, 14.7)(17.8, 2.3)
Vendula Hausnerová
98x52 ft
17 Jul 2023
Jumping Exercise
Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1© Vendula Hausnerova 🇸🇰Training course by Vendula Nr.23366991212151518182121242427273366991212787., 11.5)(17.1, 10)(2.7, 10.9)(7.9, 13.1)(27.3, 2.4)(29.5, 7.7)(4, 4.4)(11, 6.2)(18.8, 6.2)(23.9, 11.8)(20.5, 3.8)(8.1, 9.1)(26.7, 6.4)
Vendula Hausnerová
Vendula Hausnerova
98x49 ft
17 Jul 2023
Jumping Exercise
Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1© Vendula Hausnerova 🇸🇰Training course by Vendula Nr.33366991212151518182121242427273030336699121215151818Path length (m):101.2 | 155.7 |
Vendula Hausnerová
Vendula Hausnerova
105x69 ft
17 Jul 2023
Agility Seminar
Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1 www.smarteragility.comSummer seminar Run4Agility33669912121515181821212424272730303333363639393366991212151518182121242477., 10.8)(21.6, 13.4)(4.7, 16.3)(3.3, 10.7)(21.3, 22.4)(25.3, 19.7)(17.3, 11.6)(27.9, 12.6)(5.5, 4.4)(11.7, 7.6)(30.4, 15)(15, 16.6)(8.8, 21.2)(15, 21.4)(22.9, 16.9)(29.7, 6.1)(18.6, 7.3)(10.8, 14.2)(35.2, 10.6)(31.2, 20.7)(37.3, 17.9)(16.2, 2.9)(17.2, 4.2)(23.8, 1.8)(29.4, 8.6)(25.9, 8.4)
Tom Elsen
131x82 ft
12 Jul 2023
Agility Training
Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1 www.smarteragility.comTraining course336699121215151818212124242727303033333636336699121215157., 10.5)(19.6, 13.5)(25.4, 15)(30.6, 16.9)(32.8, 0.9)(36.1, 4.2)(3.9, 13.9)(9.4, 9.6)(14, 5.8)(33.3, 11.2)(10.7, 14.6)(20, 4.9)(28, 5.6)(26.1, 1.8)(20.8, 9.3)(23.9, 7.6)(12.2, 3)(4.8, 2.7)(15.3, 11.7)(19.4, 11.6)(29.6, 9.2)(26.4, 10.7)(36.6, 7.2)(36.6, 14.3)(17.3, 16.4)(28, 15.7)(20.4, 2.4)
Tom Elsen
125x59 ft
12 Jul 2023
Agility Training
Created with Fabric.js 3.6.3 Entrenamiento Sociedad Canina 11/07/2023 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 28 28 30 30 32 32 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 Longitud del recorrido (m):275.6 11.5 7.2 8.8 6.4 7.2 7.2 9 8.8 6.8 6.9 7.8 10.5 7 9.6 9.2 8.2 9.4 8.1 10.7 6.1 9.9 7.7 10.1 7.4 9.3 6 6 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Juan Camilo Castro
112x52 ft
11 Jul 2023
Agility Competition
Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1 www.smarteragility.comPure G6-7 Agility551010151520202525303055101015152020252530303535Jul 10, 2023 10:10 AM (v8.8.0), 18.7)(4.5, 22.8)(14.8, 22.6)(14.7, 25.5)(19.6, 16)(23.6, 13.4)(12.5, 3.1)(5.5, 3.2)(5.5, 11.1)(5.7, 22)(29.6, 23.6)(30.6, 20.2)(22.8, 11.6)(22.3, 15.8)(5.9, 31.2)(18.4, 20.6)(29, 7.1)(31.5, 13.2)(22, 28)(16.6, 33.4)(27.3, 30.2)(20.2, 5.4)(10.5, 27.4)
Charlotte Allen
131x115 ft
10 Jul 2023
Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1 www.smarteragility.comCornwall Agility G6-7:Hannah Grantham551010151520202525303035355510101515202025253030Jul 7, 2023 6:58 PM (v8.8.0)Hannah Grantham ©️, 7)(25.7, 2.9)(17.2, 21.9)(15.6, 17.6)(34.3, 4.3)(38.5, 6.3)(15.3, 21.1)(18.4, 18.3)(5.3, 18.4)(6.6, 15.2)(26.4, 3.9)(15.5, 3.6)(30.6, 27.2)(23.8, 28.9)(32.8, 9.8)(13.2, 11.7)(7, 4)(21, 11.1)(27.8, 18.7)(26.3, 12.9)(35.8, 14)(25.5, 22.6)(16, 27.5)(3.5, 24.5)(9.4, 23.5)
Hannah Grantham
Medium | Hard
131x105 ft
8 Jul 2023
Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1 www.smarteragility.comCornwall Agility G3-4:Hannah Grantham551010151520202525303035355510101515202025253030Jul 7, 2023 6:57 PM (v8.8.0)Hannah Grantham ©️, 7.2)(25.8, 2.9)(16.6, 21.6)(15.8, 17.1)(35.5, 5.2)(36.4, 9.7)(14.3, 20.6)(17.9, 18.5)(7, 15.8)(6.3, 19.2)(26.4, 3.9)(15.5, 3.6)(29.2, 27.8)(22.4, 29.5)(29, 12)(12.5, 11.4)(6.8, 3.6)(19.1, 11.4)(23.6, 14.3)(33, 15.9)(34, 22.1)(25, 20.5)(13.6, 27.6)(4.5, 25.9)
Hannah Grantham
131x105 ft
8 Jul 2023