Smarter Agility

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Courses published by Robyn Fargher (1)

Created with Fabric.js 5.2.1 www.smarteragility.comExercise 1 Robyn Fargher112233445566778899101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252526262727282829293030313132323333343435353636373738383939404041411122334455667788991010111112121313141415151616171718181919202021212222232324242525Not enough space to safely turn right. Left turn really bad to Aframe19 to 20 - too close in NZ.8, 18. Very hard bend in tunnel. 8 entry will bounce the dog off the tunnel wall.Seesaw dangerous to handler as they go from 16 to 17Bad line to tyre. Dog could slice it.5. dog likely to end up on tyre. Dog won't have a safe run at the seesaw.Dog can't get straight line on to contact without major handler input.Not enough space between obstaclesNot enough space for leadout.In this exercise I would like to ask you for marking problematic places (not safe, against rules...) and explaining why those places are not good.22 dog likely to land on edge of ring6412345678910111213141516171819202122(20, 18.5)(23.9, 22.8)(21.9, 4.7)(24.6, 4.7)(3.6, 2.6)(7.6, 7.3)(7.8, 14.7)(16.5, 9.1)(28.9, 7.8)(35.5, 3.3)(39.5, 19.2)(22.7, 10.6)(2.3, 9.8)(15.1, 19.2)(25.8, 19.2)(32, 14.2)(24.4, 14.5)(20.9, 14.6)(35.6, 8.7)(34.8, 16)(31.1, 23)(35.3, 23)(11.6, 4.9)(18.6, 4.9)
Robyn Fargher
42x26 m
7 May 2023